Capable of breaking or making your brand, social media and other outlets of communication brought about by technology, help us level out the playing field when it comes to accessibility of information, the width of your scope and advertising, made possible by Instagram models, influencers and online critiques.
This causes us to look forward to the next post, the next release, our social media posting schedule that sometimes we often forget our emails even exist. Wait, emails?
When it comes to ease of communication, social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are faster, easier and overall more convenient to look into. However, emails, which take a painstaking time to compose and dig through can easily be blurred out from the picture. However, these are where you can find true gold…
Increase the number of subscribers on your email list:
You could send out all the freebies in the world from pdf, webinars, and coupons but if nobody wants to invest time and money in your site or company, nothing would ever come out of it. If planned out accordingly though, you couldn’t go wrong. Here are some of the things you could do:
Craft a more compelling offer. Giving out an offer here and there may be nice but if it’s really worth your time, would you dive in for it? Catch more audience with awesome limited offers.
Make you newsletters shareable. No matter how short your newsletters will be, people cannot just simply ignore exciting news. Articles with an impact that garners emotion encourage your subscribers to pass it on.
Minimizing the clicks it takes to subscribe. In this fast pace world, people find it hard to take the time to explore something new. Don’t make it any harder. Minimizing the number of clicks an individual needs to subscribe to your site, makes it easier and faster for them to sign up. Yes, you might not get all the information you need but you can always take it as they go.
Giving users more control on content. Interaction is the key to keeping your users engaged. You can’t really speak to all of your subscribers at once but if you can give them something to do while going through your site, that’ll give your users more exploring to do.
Lead Management is Key!
What are ‘leads’? Defined as potential customers who have expressed interest in your products or company. Getting them can be hard work! Among the best ways of developing your leads would be through social media and proper management. By proper management, we mean ways to share things through social media while keeping things interesting and mysterious. Who wouldn’t love a little touch of mystery?
Share links to gated content: From the name alone, we get a picture of content that is guarded. How does it help? Well, if you were to give away everything interesting for free, there wouldn’t be anything special to it now would there? If you do, however, release very high value content for a sign up, this shows that there is more value to the content you are giving away.
Run Contests: People won’t mind the odds if they aren’t paying anything for it. Win or lose, there isn’t anything lost, right? Well, maybe except for the fact that you’ll ask them for their contact information. Raising their chances or making sharing your post a requirement in the competition lets you increase your audience without you having to do that much compared to you doing the sharing yourself.
Hangouts, Webinars, and Live Videos: Words, action and motion. What more can we say? Books are more interesting when paired with pictures and sites are so much better with videos. Not only do people find it faster to learn but they are so much easier to share too.
Establish your connection by Taking care of your visitors.
Generating leads and gathering subscribers is only half the battle. It is in keeping these people as part of your growing community that is the true battle. Whether it be for profit or for charitable work, it doesn’t hurt to establish a human connection with your members. To do so you have to be sensitive to your clients’ comfort zones. This includes their willingness to give out sensitive information, their age and more. In doing such, it would be good to note that each individual has his or her own schedule. As such, you must be aware of and proficient with the various communication channels you could use. Preferring one over the other on one’s personal preference may cause you to lose the support of many of your avid followers. Getting a better grasp of when Emails, Direct Mail, SMS, and Presentations should be used, not only do you show sensitivity towards your users but you save up on costs as well.
Digging through Your Emails
Studies have revealed that 52 percent of all your recorded views come from 10 percent of your openers. This marks the number of individuals that open your emails, read through your site and send queries.
Take advantage of this by reaching out to these individuals. By sending out online surveys, review platforms, and even special offers, you give you and your avid readers ways to continue your relationship. At the same time, you give them something else to look forward to.
A great way to identify these individuals would be through the use of a click report. Giving you feedback on the number of clicks an individual makes on your site, a click segmentation tool automatically categorizes and assimilates these individuals into your email list.
Doing so also helps prevent your emails from going into the spam folder of your followers.
Cart Abandoners
Just as you have followers, it is unavoidable to have people who completely ignore your listings or who do after deep contemplation and demonstration of interest decide that your company, products or offers might not be for them.
Known as Cart Abandoners, these individuals may still be won over. With a strategic deployment of enticing emails such as those that offer incentives when a sale has been completed such as free shipping offers, free samples, complimentary consultations, free services and the like you can grab their attention and get them to try your products/services.
Event Registrations
If your company is keen on events, your email list is a great way to promote them. If your patrons see that they are welcome to join occasions such as store openings, holiday celebrations or even online events, they are more likely to feel warm and welcomed by you. This, in turn, creates a positive relationship between your clients and yourself.
As nice as events are, we can’t really host one every month. Not only would they be time-consuming, but they may also be costly and may even be counterproductive once overdone.
However, giving your users something to look forward to whether it be daily, weekly or even monthly creates anticipation and develops habituation. A great example of such would be hosting a sale on particular items on the 1st of every week or offering coupons for purchases made on a particular time of the day. This drives your users to stay in touch with your site and it also helps fuel that desire to stay updated with what you have in store.
Setting an unconscious schedule to your users, habituation make it easier for you to reach out and expand your network.