If you’re looking to build a relationship with your subscribers, email marketing is one of the best ways to do it. Sending good emails—ones that are tailored to your readers’ needs and preferences—will help you establish a bond, generate sales, and improve customer loyalty. But creating an effective email campaign isn’t as simple as sending out a few emails every month or so. There are lots of things you need to consider before launching your first campaign: segmentation, copywriting, design, automation…and more! In this guide we’ll walk through each step of the process: how to write compelling subject lines and body copy; how often should you send out emails; what tools can help manage everything from list hygiene to automating landing page flows; plus lots more useful info on how exactly email marketing converts.
Send new subscribers a welcome email.
- Send a welcome email to new subscribers.
- Make it personal and include a call to action.
- Use the welcome email to set expectations for future emails.
Your welcome email is your first opportunity to get subscribers excited about your emails, so make sure that you’re setting the right tone from the beginning! Your goal with this email should be to introduce yourself, give them a taste of what they can expect from you moving forward, and let them know where they need to go next if they want more info.
Create an email sequence with a compelling story and provide value in every email.
Email marketing is about the story you tell. If your emails aren’t compelling, people won’t open them and if they don’t open them, you won’t be able to convert them into customers. So what makes an email sequence compelling?
You’ve probably heard this before: Content is king. And it is! But there’s more to creating a successful email campaign than just having good content; there’s also the structure of your emails (and how many of them) that play into this equation as well! An effective strategy for converting subscribers into customers involves creating an email sequence that gives users value at each stage of the journey—from initial signup through purchase or referral—and follows a clear path so that users know what to expect when they click on those tempting subject lines in their inboxes (more on subject lines below).
>>>If you’d like to get LIVE coaching on your copy for only $7/month, check out the program, ‘Copy Coaching for 7’…
Consider segmented emails instead of one big list send.
Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools you can use to build your business. It’s also one of the best ways to make sure you’re sending out messages that are relevant to people who want to hear from you and not just every random person who has ever signed up for your newsletter or freebie.
If you have a large email list, consider segmenting it into smaller lists based on interests, buying habits, and other factors so that each segment gets its own set of emails tailored specifically for them. This will help ensure that people who are interested in what you have to say will actually open and read those emails.
Create an enticing subject line that’s specific to your topic.
The subject line is the first thing your subscribers see, so it’s important to make it count. While there’s no magic formula for crafting a perfect subject line, here are some tips for making sure yours stands out:
- Use something specific and actionable. Don’t just say “What’s up?” or “Hey!” unless you’re sending an email to a friend or colleague. Instead, try something like “How to make your website load faster” or “5 reasons why our new product will change everything.”
- Keep it brief and clear—no more than 50 characters long if possible (about 7 words). If you have too many words in there, you risk losing readers who may not want to scroll through them all before deciding whether they want the content in its entirety.
Make your emails mobile friendly.
Email marketing is a great way to drive sales, but if your emails aren’t optimized for mobile users, they will get lost in the shuffle.
Mobile subscribers are more likely to read emails on their phones than desktop users because they don’t have to wait for everything to load. They’re also impatient and easily distracted by other apps on their phone. If you want your content to be seen by this audience, it’s essential that your emails look good on mobile devices.
Use an email marketing service that has automation features.
Automation features allow you to set up specific rules that determine when your emails are sent out, who they are sent to, and what content they contain.
- For example, if someone orders a product from you, their name could be added to an automation sequence designed to follow up with them within 24 hours of their order. This would let you make sure they get everything they need in a timely manner while also giving them the chance to purchase add-ons or additional items later on.
- Or maybe there’s a list of subscribers who haven’t opened an email from you recently? You can create a rule that sends them targeted promotions based on their interests—and it’s easy for everyone involved because those emails just appear in their inboxes without any extra effort on your part. The best thing about this type of system is that it allows you complete control over when each person receives each message; so if one person doesn’t respond well but another does (or vice versa), then adjustments can be made accordingly!
Add relevant links, but don’t overdo it.
Make sure your links are relevant to the content of your emails. You can do this by including links within the body of your email and not just at the bottom. If you’re writing about how to make great coffee, for example, it makes sense to link out to a site that gives tips for making better coffee in order to show readers that you want them to get involved in what you’re talking about.
On the other hand, don’t use spammy anchor text like “click here” or “read more.” People will unsubscribe if they feel like they are being forced into reading something they don’t want or aren’t interested in (and yes— people actually do this).
If you send good emails, people will read them and respond to them.
Email marketing is a great tool for sales and conversions. It’s not just about sending an email to your customers and hoping that they read it. If you want people to read your emails, make sure they are relevant and personalized.
Relevance is the most important part of an email marketing campaign. People will respond when they feel like they are being spoken directly to, or if something in the subject line speaks directly with them because it’s something they care about, or something related to their interests and needs as customers.
Personalization is also important because it shows that you know who your customer base is and how much time you have spent researching them beforehand so that every message can be tailored specifically for each recipient instead of being generic information sent out at random times during day/night hours throughout
weekdays/weekends (which makes sense since most businesses do operate on those days).
If you send good emails, people will read them and respond to them. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your emails are compelling, personalized and mobile friendly. You don’t want to waste your time on bad emails that aren’t going anywhere or aren’t interesting enough for people to open up. This article taught us how important it is to give people something valuable in exchange for their attention and loyalty!
>>>If you’d like to get LIVE coaching on your copy for only $7/month, check out the program, ‘Copy Coaching for 7’…